Direct Action

Update from Mikael

I am contacting everyone to provide an update on this campaign. Many of you will now know that Nationwide debanked me and it is now not possible for me to exercise any rights as a member. However, we are not giving up trying to improve the say that members have at Nationwide. One of my […]

Submission to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) merger inquiry

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the UK’s economic regulator, is one of three regulators – alongside the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) – who can veto the proposed acqusiition of Virgin Money by Nationwide building society. The CMA announced it would investigate the proposed acquisition on 31st May 2024. As […]

Move your money

The campaign for Nationwide members to have a say on the proposed takeover of Virgin Money is proposing that their supporters withdraw all but £100 from their Nationwide deposit accounts. The campaign has been protesting that Nationwide members should have a vote on the £2.9 billion proposed takeover of Virgin Money – which is what is […]

Request a Special General Meeting

Please read the latest update from Mikael – and please email Nationwide with your request as per the instructions below. — UPDATE FROM MIKAEL — Thank you to everyone who has signed and supported this petition. We are now past the 3,000 signatory mark which is 6x what is needed to bring a Special General […]

Write to your local MP

Please use/adapt the below template and email your local MP. It is important that you include your name, address and post code at the end. Strict parliamentary rules mean that MPs are only allowed to help their own constituents. You can find our who your local MP is and their email address at: – – EMAIL […]

Nationwide say call for a Special General Meeting “not valid”: member vote campaign fights on with over 3,000 supporters  

SATURDAY 20TH APRIL 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nationwide say call for a Special General Meeting “not valid”: member vote campaign fights on with over 3,000 supporters   The Nationwide Building Society has rejected a request for a Special General Meeting of the society, as supported by over 3,000 supporters, under the society’s rules. The campaign requested […]

Nationwide member vote campaign asks supporters to withdraw deposits

SATURDAY 13TH APRIL 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nationwide member vote campaign asks supporters to withdraw deposits   The campaign for Nationwide members to have a say on the proposed takeover of Virgin Money is proposing that their supporters withdraw all but £100 from their Nationwide deposit accounts. The campaign has been protesting that Nationwide members should […]

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